A Look at Edge Software’s Image Management
Through the use of the Edge Software Image Management functionality, Enterprise Super Users are given the opportunity to upgrade the SD-WAN Edge firmware without having to rely on VMware Support or the Partner.
In previous years, anytime VMware SD-WAN published a new Edge image, the Enterprise Administrators were required to make a request to either the VMware support team or the Partner in order to upgrade the software on their enterprise Edges. In the following step, the VMware Support team will interact with the customer and upgrade all or a portion of the Edges that are present in the customer’s network. When the Enterprise clients activate the Edge Software Image Management function, they are able to manage the version of the Edge software that is running in their environment. Through the use of the Edge Software Image Management functionality, Enterprise Super Users are given the opportunity to upgrade the SD-WAN Edge firmware without having to rely on VMware Support or the Partner.
In addition, this capability makes it possible to label a specific Edge software image as deprecated after it has been released, in the event that it was discovered to be flawed or was not intended to be taken into consideration. A notification will be sent to businesses that are currently utilizing these deprecated images in order to facilitate their transition to a more stable release of the Edge image.
The Edge images can only be marked as deprecated by an Operator user.
Turn on image management in Edge software
Customers can’t use the image management feature of Edge software by default. This function can only be turned on for a Direct Enterprise and the Partner by an Operator or VMware Support. This feature can then be turned on for Partner Enterprise users by the Partners. The option can be turned on before or after the customer is created. For Edge firmware updates, enterprises that have turned off software image management on the Edge must work with VMware Support or a Partner.
Allow a new Enterprise customer to use Edge Software to manage images
When you are an Operator User, you have the ability to directly manage the software images that have been assigned to an Enterprise. This can be accomplished by assigning an Operator Profile to an Enterprise. Alternatively, you can have an Enterprise Super User manage the available list of software images that have been assigned to an Enterprise by enabling the Manage Software Image checkbox that is located under Customer Configuration on the New Customer screen.
Activate New Partner Customer’s Edge Software Image Management
Enabling the Manage Software Image checkbox under Customer Configuration in the New Customer screen allows you, as a Partner Administrator, to grant a Partner Customer’s Super user the ability to manage the available list of software images for the customer in addition to managing the software images assigned to your Partner customers. The available list of software images that the Orchestrator Operator has allocated to that specific Partner is the basis for the list of software images that you can provide to the new client.